T-minus 1 week
It’s almost Thanksgiving, and I’m happy to report that it’s looking fall festive in here. Does that shade of orange energize you? Agitate you? Make your insides scream?
All of the above?
Joe painted it orange one day and it’s never quite grown on me, sorry honey.
I do like it with his surfboard mounted on the opposite wall, but the whole living room is a little too orange.

But, it’s just the right color for the season! So I’m choosing to be thankful for this bright orange wall. I never thought I’d say that! Felt good.
So, fall is on the wall… And table!
It’s like fall walked in and exploded in here. I’ve got high expectations for these craft materials. See those gold leaves and that bag? I’ll show you what’s going on with that.
Gettin’ Crafty With It
I found some pine cones when I was outside running the other day, and thought – Bingo! I have gold spray paint. I have glitter. What more do I need?
Life gave me pine cones, so I stuffed them in my pockets and turned them gold. A true American hero tale.
I’m thinking these and some leaves will join forces with my Halloween pumpkins to become a Thanksgiving centerpiece.
This first step was easy:
Just put down a newspaper and spray. Outside
After spritzing all the surfaces of the pinecones, I tossed them into a plastic bag, threw in some gold glitter and shook it up to coat them.
I’m also spraying another round of white ones. I’ve got more crafts in the works for decorating. Don’t worry — It will all come together, I promise hope.
How are you decorating your walls and Thanksgiving table for the season?
Here are some other walls I’m digging lately:
P.S. Here’s for you, Steve.
You wanted your face on the wall, so here ya go. You are greater than the sun.
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