Movie Room posters

Movie posters


…to the movie room! We’ve shown you the awnings and build-out, but where’s the real movie magic? Just kidding, that was pretty magical. Not to mention a lot of work.

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Movie Theater – Phase One

Theater Soffits graphic

What do all legendary theaters have?

a) marquee

b) big screen

c) epic movies

d) great lighting

e) popcorn

f) all of the above
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Stadium Lighting

Stadium Lighting

Bright idea

It should come as no surprise to anyone that Joe loves his LED lights. He is a crusader against all things fluorescent, halogen, or incandescent. He will try to upgrade your home’s lighting if you let him. He’ll do it.  For fun. He is so committed to the cause that he mass orders LED lights from China on a regular basis.

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