Labor Day Weekend

lake life is the good life

Laboring Days

Did you have a restful weekend? As much as Joe tried (or I tried to coax him) to relax, he found ways to work. We snuck away to my grandparents’ cabin in Wisconsin for a couple days and soaked up the summer/fall goodness.

Activities included the mandatory games of Phase 10, walking around the lake, boating, giant garage sale in the city of Siren, Shell Lake Days, and plenty of stories and laughs. But by Sunday afternoon, we were right back to fixing up the yard and boat.

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daily inspo DIY inspiration


Inspire the Spirit

That’s really what inspiration is, right? Something good for the spirit? This post is another roundup of things that have visually stuck with me over the past couple weeks.

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Door Progress

building a door DIY barn door wood bamboo sliding barn door


Movie Room Teaser

We can’t reveal the whole door all at once! Need to keep the theatrical suspense and drama going. For theme’s sake… We officially finished everything just last night, and got to christen in the movie room with all the roommates. Unfortunately it was late and dark, so Joe’s taking some better “after” photos today. If the rain lets up we may even get graced with a hint of natural light. Start here for the beginning of our door, and here for the finished product.

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Movie Theater: Phase Two

movie theater room

Door Prize

We’re in business! Hollywood is calling, I can see our names written in the stars now: Nominees for Best Door award! I’d like to thank the academy…

Start here for the beginning of the door project, and go here for the final product.

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A Blanket Butler

warm blanket please blanket butler


May I interest you in a blanket sir or madam?

“Why yes, I think I’ll take a pillow as well Edgar.”


At Your Service

If only it could fluff up your pillow too… Maybe when the robots take over.

blanket storage

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Life Hacking

Life Hack header

Lifestyle Design

Aren’t there things you wish you had a say in designing? Like your office chair that never reclines far enough, or your quirky front door that needs to be shut just right for it to lock. Or that your coffee pot would start brewing your morning mocha (aka starter fluid) on a schedule each morning? Maybe it’s just for your family to have access to one calendar; everyone can update it on-the-go.

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All Work and Some Play

L and J

So you see. Here’s a photo book I put together. Have you made one of these before?

Glad spring is joining us in the upper half of the US. I think Joe is done working in Tampa for now. Just in time for spring projects.

Ice Dam[age]



Ice Ice Baby Header






Ice Dam

Remember that phone call we got about the ceiling leaking? Flash forward. We have the situation under control now and learned a few things about how to handle an ice dam. Firstly, we should have seen the signs. They were written on the wall roof. We know the deal now and have to say, it’s not so much fun. A little preventative maintenance is much better than a whole lot of cleanup.

So what is an ice dam?

Looks a little something like this:

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Our Winter Games

minnesnowta header

Goodbye Sochi

The Olympics are over. Sniffle Sniffle. It seems like just yesterday we were watching the closing ceremonies. Oh, yea that was yesterday. We didn’t get to watch too much of the games, but we’ve definitely been making winter memories of our own. I wanted to showcase some of our winter highlights before it’s gone. It’ll be spring before we even know it. This past weekend I went to the RedBull downhill skating event, fondly called Crashed Ice. It’s becoming a Minnesotan tradition! Joe spent his weekend swimming with manatees and baking in the sun. But we’ll save that story for later…

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Fondue and Pho


Valentine’s Day Roundup

Valentine’s day was already one week ago, but better late than never, right? Last Friday was a work day, even though it should definitely be a national holiday. I’ve come to really like this day. Here’s why.

I got to make some Love Day graphics. Already we’re off to a good start.

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