Little Updates, Big Difference
Well this room has certainly come a long way since it was here:
Creative Do-It-Yourself Ideas and Inspiration for Your House and Family. Currently making _______________.
It’s been a long road, but you’ve stuck with us for 3 posts. You’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. The sweat and tears. But at last our mystery comes to an end. You can recap the start and middle if you want to relive the glory days. But I really couldn’t draw out the suspense for this door project any further, even if I wanted to.
So without further stalling…
We can’t reveal the whole door all at once! Need to keep the theatrical suspense and drama going. For theme’s sake… We officially finished everything just last night, and got to christen in the movie room with all the roommates. Unfortunately it was late and dark, so Joe’s taking some better “after” photos today. If the rain lets up we may even get graced with a hint of natural light. Start here for the beginning of our door, and here for the finished product.
…to the movie room! We’ve shown you the awnings and build-out, but where’s the real movie magic? Just kidding, that was pretty magical. Not to mention a lot of work.