We officially passed final plumbing inspection, and I finally (wait, let me move one more candle) have things arranged. Hop on into the post for all the final reveal pics!
Creative Do-It-Yourself Ideas and Inspiration for Your House and Family. Currently making _______________.
This bathroom is a wrap! Going back to our before pictures, the finished product feels like a breath of fresh air. We are so happy with how it turned out, and so are the homeowners. We achieved a functional bathroom and the clean, simple aesthetic they were looking for. And I’m so happy they’ll be able to rent out this mother-in-law suite soon enough. Just in time for the spring market!
I have to confess. This is my favorite part of the entire bathroom. (If you missed any of the bathroom remodel that we did this past winter, you can recap right over here.) I knew I wanted some really chunky wood shelves for the little nook above the toilet, but Joe surprised me with something better than I could have imagined.
There were a lot of little choices we made throughout the process of renovating our basement bathroom. Those little choices can add up to made a big difference in the overall feel of a room. Nothing about them are make or break, but they definitely make the whole space feel uniform and tied together. I always love hearing the stories behind other people’s design choices, so I hope you get some value out of this when deciding which finishing touches to add to your own room! The details are my favorite.
Joe’s pretty excited about showing this to you guys, since it was part of his master plan from the get-go. You’ve seen how obsessed with LED lights he is. Now imagine if the shower tile could all light up. He bought these special glow stones online and peppered them into the river rock shower tile. Wait ’til you see.
Ok, you guys. We’re d.o.n.e. 😀 It’s been a long time coming, and we’re so excited to have our finished bathroom to come home to. We’ve been super excited to show you the results, but the process is where the real magic happens. If you’ve been following along, you know how much work it takes to DIY a bathroom remodel, but also how rewarding it is to wrap up! I’m going to unpack some more photos later because there’s so darn much to share. I’ll go into more detail with certain things then, but for now come on in!
Enter and relax.
Our shower is done! Well, not quite. We still might frost our shower glass, or add decals to it. But for all intents and purposes, it’s done and completely shower-ready! We knew we wanted a portion of the shower wall to be glass, but no more than that. So we framed it all out and planned to tackle the logistics later. And now it’s later…
We’ve taken a week off from the shower due to some other things that came up (and enjoying Mother’s day weekend of course) but we’re happy to report that we’ll be done by the end of the week! Joe worked nearly 70 hours last week, so we didn’t get much done at home, but that’s ok because we were waiting for our glass piece to get precisely cut. Now that we’ve got that, we’re right back in there. It’s a perfectly rainy week for us to wrap up.
P.S. We’ve now officially lived in the house for 1 year! Happy house-versary! Here’s a throwback of us on moving in day.
The tile starts to come together in the final stages here. It’s been a labor of love, but the shower is just about done. Tiling was the latest hurdle, so grouting pales in comparison. It’s literally what cements everything together and makes it look unified. If you missed the grouting tips, go back to our shower floor post and brush up. Otherwise, enjoy!
We’ve come a long way with this little shower of ours. Once you see the tile, you’re going to stop wondering if all this work is worth it and jump on the DIY bandwagon! We chose a really easy, affordable tile to work with, without a lot of crazy accents or small shapes to cut. But dang. I don’t think we could have asked for a better effect.