Addition Bathroom | Tile and In-floor Heat

We’re onto my favorite leg of the race — tiling! It’s so gratifying to see your tile in place. The couple who tiles together smiles together. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Addition Bathroom | Insulation, Sheetrock and Prep

The bathroom is well underway! Most projects are like icebergs — the bulk of work happens under the surface, before a room starts looking like a room. Read all about our plans (and subsequent changes to plans), challenges and design ideas.

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2021 Word for the Year and Reading List

2020 Recap

What a rollercoaster of a year. I honestly don’t feel I’m in a place yet where I can be reflective about the year, because I feel like we’re still in the thick of it. 2020 didn’t end on the best note after getting covid, slowly recovering at last after 6+ weeks for me. There are definitely things I do not wish to take into 2021 and that is one of them! It really took a lot out of me and I can’t get enough distance from it. But let’s focus on the future, not the past.

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Kitchenette Reveal

kitchenette reveal header

Basement Kitchenette Reveal

Now that the kitchenette is finished, we’re so excited to show it to you! (It’s actually been done for a couple weeks now, but we’ve been taking in the last drops of summer.) Come take a peek into our mini kitchen reveal!

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Kitchenette Progress

Kitchenette Header

Progress Update: Basement Kitchenette

Alright, we’re rocking away at the basement kitchenette. This will go down in history as one of the fastest little projects we’ve ever done! We couldn’t be happier with the direction this is going. Put on your hard hat and check out our progress.

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Kitchenette Finishes

Designing the Kitchenette

In case you missed it, we’re in the midst of transforming our basement hallway into a kitchenette. We have it prepped and ready to install everything. In this post I’ll walk you through our design choices and finishes!

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Basement Kitchenette

Basement Kitchenette DIY

We’re baaaaackkk

We really never went anywhere, just took a break from sharing updates. But we certainly didn’t take a break from house projects! Consider this our official commitment to share a weekly post, at least up to our current progress. If 2020 has taught me anything, it’s to not make commitments for the future, but this feels manageable and will be good accountability. ๐Ÿ˜‰ This week we are sharing our basement kitchenette build.

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Bathroom Refresh

header bathroom refresh

This bathroom “refresh” isn’t quite a full remodel, but we made some functional and cosmetic upgrades. Working with existing elements, we made the room feel a lot more fresh and bright. Plus I did a thing, a bold thing, that I absolutelylooove!

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