Life Hacking

Life Hack header

Lifestyle Design

Aren’t there things you wish you had a say in designing? Like your office chair that never reclines far enough, or your quirky front door that needs to be shut just right for it to lock. Or that your coffee pot would start brewing your morning mocha (aka starter fluid) on a schedule each morning? Maybe it’s just for your family to have access to one calendar; everyone can update it on-the-go.

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All Work and Some Play

L and J

So you see. Here’s a photo book I put together. Have you made one of these before?

Glad spring is joining us in the upper half of the US. I think Joe is done working in Tampa for now. Just in time for spring projects.

Egg Rolls

Keep Rollin'

When Life Gives You Eggs

Sometimes you just gotta roll with it. This past weekend, we experienced our first major homeowner woe at Joe’s house. More on that coming… Once we have everything fixed. Let’s rewind a little first. We went on a snowmobile day trip Saturday and had an engine issue near Brainerd, MN. Luckily it was warm and we were near a highway and could get towed back to town pretty easily. And we met a few really nice people who stopped to help. One man did dog sled racing professionally!

Flash forward to later that night. To add salt to the wounded day, we get a phone call that the ceiling is leaking water. Not sure just how bad it was, we race home. To discover a huge ice dam on the roof. Water is currently leaking into the living room!

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Our Winter Games

minnesnowta header

Goodbye Sochi

The Olympics are over. Sniffle Sniffle. It seems like just yesterday we were watching the closing ceremonies. Oh, yea that was yesterday. We didn’t get to watch too much of the games, but we’ve definitely been making winter memories of our own. I wanted to showcase some of our winter highlights before it’s gone. It’ll be spring before we even know it. This past weekend I went to the RedBull downhill skating event, fondly called Crashed Ice. It’s becoming a Minnesotan tradition! Joe spent his weekend swimming with manatees and baking in the sun. But we’ll save that story for later…

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Fondue and Pho


Valentine’s Day Roundup

Valentine’s day was already one week ago, but better late than never, right? Last Friday was a work day, even though it should definitely be a national holiday. I’ve come to really like this day. Here’s why.

I got to make some Love Day graphics. Already we’re off to a good start.

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Tropical Twenties Party

Tropical Twenties header

Did you need that picture right about now? As the snow continues to fall in MN. This is what Joe must be seeing right about now. He just landed in Tampa, FL yesterday where he’ll be working for the next two weeks. Joe, you better soak up some sun for everyone back home.

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Smowmobile Day Trip

Snow Show








Vintage Snowmobile Show

Don’t let all these projects fool you – We do have some fun too ya know.  That’s a picture of Joe’s baby. The Dragonfly I call her. And we rode all morning last Saturday.

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Snowboard Ramps


Snow Day = Joe Day

Does anything make this kid happier than an afternoon of snowboarding? I honestly don’t think so. It was so gorgeous Sunday afternoon (yesterday). We needed to be outside. No photo retouching necessary. So. Much. Sunlight.

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