Patio Pillows

DIY Outdoor Patio Pillows


Outdoor Pillows

It was about time we decided to set up a patio table on the deck outside our bedroom. And pillows were the most exciting part! It was actually my first project that I had planned, even before we moved from the old house. I had bought fabric weeks before we even moved. Call me crazy, but it was my #1 project idea since May.

There are so many fun and funky patterns of outdoor fabric, why would you buy them from the store? And I think they’re a little overpriced if you buy them from a Target or Home Goods. So I headed to to find a few patterns I liked. Luckily there were many! And a few cute ones in-store too. They were even all 40% off! All I needed to do was buy some stuffing and I used my sewing machine to do the rest.

Mix’n & Match’n


outdoor fabric

Here’s what I found on my first round of shopping in Joanne.

outdoor pillow patterns


In love with the geometric one.

Mix 'n' Match


I ordered these three on

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Storage Alert

bonus storage header

Bookshelf Hack

Not exactly a hack, but I’m using a bookshelf as shelving for pants. I have a bad habit of over-stuffing drawers full of my clothes, so I needed a remedy. Bingo – used bookshelf! It’s now an extension of my closet and dresser space. I swung by the Goodwill and snatched this up for the cool price of $3.99! I was hoping to find an old dresser that I could gut and refinish, but this thing is the perfect size and needs no work at all. Practically new. And for the price, I couldn’t say no.

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Friday Fun

So Handy

Yep, we’ve done most all of these fixes. Clean the gutters is on my to-do list this weekend. Along with pretty-up my car and do some lawn care. Ahhh this weekend is a projects weekend at last. We’ve been crashing company picnics, family parties and obstacle courses this past week. Here are some fun highlights:


My Grandma Sally gifted me this beautiful corner curio! I’m so happy to take it to a good home (Joe’s!) I’ve put a couple things in it so far, but still need to acquire some worldly treasures to display inside. I know these pictures are sub-par, but hopefully my new phone will help with future photo quality.

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Cabin Fever

night rides pontoon lights

On a Boat

Since Joe’s boat is still in the shop, Pam and Carl were naive kind enough to borrow Joe their pontoon. (Just kidding, Pam, you know Joe is a very responsible young man.) We had a hoot last weekend with the following toys and tricks. And we returned the fully insured boat back in one piece. (In case you’re wondering if this tale has a tragic or happy ending.)

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Door Progress 3

the full monty door

Case Closed

It’s been a long road, but you’ve stuck with us for 3 posts. You’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. The sweat and tears. But at last our mystery comes to an end. You can recap the start and middle if you want to relive the glory days. But I really couldn’t draw out the suspense for this door project any further, even if I wanted to.

So without further stalling…

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Door Progress 2

doors, floors and hardware stores

Building Up to the Build Out

Alright, so we’ve built a door, now what? This project is still on the ground, so what do ya say we get this thing up in the air where it belongs? But, we can’t hang this up quite yet. We added some finishing touches as well as attached the hardware to the door. Start here to get all the step-by-step instructions. And here for the finished product.

Steve and Joe had just finished sawing off the extras where we left off:

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Door Progress

building a door DIY barn door wood bamboo sliding barn door


Movie Room Teaser

We can’t reveal the whole door all at once! Need to keep the theatrical suspense and drama going. For theme’s sake… We officially finished everything just last night, and got to christen in the movie room with all the roommates. Unfortunately it was late and dark, so Joe’s taking some better “after” photos today. If the rain lets up we may even get graced with a hint of natural light. Start here for the beginning of our door, and here for the finished product.

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Operation: Desk Ergonomic












Results Are In

I officially love my desk post-modifications. As a lot of you big kids know, sitting at the office 8+ hours each day can have a serious effect on your posture. I make a major effort to take stretch breaks and walkabouts. But when the bulk of time is spent in your chair, arms at the keyboard, eyes facing the monitor, that’s not enough. So think about how important your seating position is — at the end of the day it’s going to make a difference. For those of us who have next and shoulder trouble already, it’s especially important. I ordered a laptop stand that you see in the picture above, but it just wasn’t cutting it. So I had to take matters into my own hands.

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New Apartment Love





Apartment Department

Hello IKEA

Welcome to your new apartment, now may I introduce you to IKEA?

Renting a new apartment can be a lot of fun, and a lot of work. I’m jealous of my friend Maria in that she gets a fresh canvas to decorate. Not jealous of all the packing and unpacking involved. I’m so excited to see her put it all together. Mainly so we can get around to that house-warming party! Here are some of the fun ideas she already has.

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Tropical Twenties Party

Tropical Twenties header

Did you need that picture right about now? As the snow continues to fall in MN. This is what Joe must be seeing right about now. He just landed in Tampa, FL yesterday where he’ll be working for the next two weeks. Joe, you better soak up some sun for everyone back home.

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