Little Updates, Big Difference
Well this room has certainly come a long way since it was here:
Creative Do-It-Yourself Ideas and Inspiration for Your House and Family. Currently making _______________.
Alright, so we’ve built a door, now what? This project is still on the ground, so what do ya say we get this thing up in the air where it belongs? But, we can’t hang this up quite yet. We added some finishing touches as well as attached the hardware to the door. Start here to get all the step-by-step instructions. And here for the finished product.
Steve and Joe had just finished sawing off the extras where we left off:
a) marquee
b) big screen
c) epic movies
d) great lighting
e) popcorn
It should come as no surprise to anyone that Joe loves his LED lights. He is a crusader against all things fluorescent, halogen, or incandescent. He will try to upgrade your home’s lighting if you let him. He’ll do it. For fun. He is so committed to the cause that he mass orders LED lights from China on a regular basis.
We have been elected to host Joe’s family Thanksgiving this year! Very exciting! And a bit overwhelming, when I think about 50+ guests, but mostly exciting. Joe and I decided to start getting the house in shape for this first ever Thanksgiving feast, so we tackled a few little projects that were on the back burner.
Here’s our short list: