Good Things Come in 3’s (2/3)

bean bag toss DIY cornhole bag toss game

Sewing Things

I think you can guess that my three projects were all sewing related! I’m afraid I jinxed myself when I said good things come in threes, because first Joe was sick and now I’m sick! I hope there’s not a third person next. I’ve tried my best to quarantine myself all week.

At least I was able to whip out my sewing machine last week before all the sneezing ensued. Now I just have cabin fever.

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S’more Summer Ventures


Hold on!

It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.

These days, we’re trying to get the most out of each summer night. We’re on the lake 2-3x/week and squeezing in any and every outdoor activity possible.

Although I love summer, I love fall just as much and can’t hold back my excitement for all things autumn. Look, the foreign exchange students are already back in my building! Saint Paul Prep School is now in session.

foreign exchange students

I got the first day of school jitters this morning just seeing them 🙂

Back to summer…

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July Updates

Goodbye July

Hello August

July has been fun, but August looks just as bright! This week we’ve got some legitimate updates, some random things, and some cute things… So let’s just dive right into them, in that order.


I’ve purchased a lovely new plant. The YMCA was selling them for charity, so I picked it up for $10. I seem to do ok with tropical plants, and nothing else.

Sago Palm

It’s called a Sago Palm and is not really a true palm at all! It’s doing well so far. (2 weeks)

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Mulch Madness

yard mulch


Like Scottie Pippen. I don’t know what’s up with the hoops references; we just finished softball. (My team lost first round in single elimination playoffs last night. Meanwhile my brother’s team took the championship in his league — Way to go!)

baseball tournament

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Hot Tub Speakers

how to install hot tub speakers

 Turn Down For What?

What, the neighbors called? Oh ok, we better turn down.

In full disclosure, we did this way back in October. Some of the details of the process are a bit fuzzy in my memory, but I’m sure Joe could replicate it in his sleep. This is by far one of the most-used spaces of the house (yard). So the speakers were a huge upgrade.

If anyone wants to listen to music outside, they only need to bluetooth their phone or mp3 player to the sound system. You can even leave the phone indoors — safe from the water. Volume control is an arm’s length away. Nice for the wintertime. We did this all in one night, so bare with me on the documentation. Should have taken notes, goshdangnit!

pyle 400 watt outdoor waterproof speakers

Started with a standard outdoor pair of speakers.

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Movie Room Roundup

movie room updates

Little Updates, Big Difference

Well this room has certainly come a long way since it was here:

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Door Progress 3

the full monty door

Case Closed

It’s been a long road, but you’ve stuck with us for 3 posts. You’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. The sweat and tears. But at last our mystery comes to an end. You can recap the start and middle if you want to relive the glory days. But I really couldn’t draw out the suspense for this door project any further, even if I wanted to.

So without further stalling…

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Operation: Desk Ergonomic












Results Are In

I officially love my desk post-modifications. As a lot of you big kids know, sitting at the office 8+ hours each day can have a serious effect on your posture. I make a major effort to take stretch breaks and walkabouts. But when the bulk of time is spent in your chair, arms at the keyboard, eyes facing the monitor, that’s not enough. So think about how important your seating position is — at the end of the day it’s going to make a difference. For those of us who have next and shoulder trouble already, it’s especially important. I ordered a laptop stand that you see in the picture above, but it just wasn’t cutting it. So I had to take matters into my own hands.

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Egg Rolls

Keep Rollin'

When Life Gives You Eggs

Sometimes you just gotta roll with it. This past weekend, we experienced our first major homeowner woe at Joe’s house. More on that coming… Once we have everything fixed. Let’s rewind a little first. We went on a snowmobile day trip Saturday and had an engine issue near Brainerd, MN. Luckily it was warm and we were near a highway and could get towed back to town pretty easily. And we met a few really nice people who stopped to help. One man did dog sled racing professionally!

Flash forward to later that night. To add salt to the wounded day, we get a phone call that the ceiling is leaking water. Not sure just how bad it was, we race home. To discover a huge ice dam on the roof. Water is currently leaking into the living room!

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New Apartment Love





Apartment Department

Hello IKEA

Welcome to your new apartment, now may I introduce you to IKEA?

Renting a new apartment can be a lot of fun, and a lot of work. I’m jealous of my friend Maria in that she gets a fresh canvas to decorate. Not jealous of all the packing and unpacking involved. I’m so excited to see her put it all together. Mainly so we can get around to that house-warming party! Here are some of the fun ideas she already has.

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