We officially passed final plumbing inspection, and I finally (wait, let me move one more candle) have things arranged. Hop on into the post for all the final reveal pics!
Creative Do-It-Yourself Ideas and Inspiration for Your House and Family. Currently making _______________.
I’m not sure everyone could get away with such a huge transformation in the workplace, but I don’t see why not! A coworker of mine took it upon herself to make her office “cube” a more inviting and comfortable place to work, turning it into a modern farmhouse! I was blown away by the level of detail. This is a true representation of her style, as your personal space always should be, in my opinion. When we spend as much time as we do at our desks, it’s hard to believe we don’t make more of an effort to make it an enjoyable experience.
We’ve broken ground (literally) in the mother-in-law suite and completed most of the demo work. It was a good five hours of work, but actually a ton of fun! We found some very interesting things behind the walls and floor.