
DIY Laminated Recipe Book

Laminated Recipe Book DIYUnprocessed October is coming up! And that means a lot of time in the kitchen for me. To help make my life a little easier, I whipped out my recipe book. And to help make your life a little easier, I’m sharing my splash-proof laminated cookbook DIY idea.

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Operation Dock Extraction

End of Summer


You know it’s been a great summer when it’s still summer weather in October. It was in the 60’s this week and it’s almost Halloween! I can’t believe how lucky we’ve been to have this. But, we know it won’t last, so we’ve started winterizing. Yes, the W word. Last weekend we had a farewell to summer sendoff and started cleaning up the yard.

You know you’re a Minnesota home owner when… Most of these hit too close to home. Especially 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 12.

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Updates October

summer to fall

All Things Fall

We have a lot of things to share coming up. It’s been a whirlwind week, so hang tight. Not to mention it’s Joe’s birthday tomorrow – Happy 26th Joe!

Meanwhile, we’re working on winterizing, holiday projects, and converting a new room.

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Good Things Come in 3’s (Part 3 of 3)

zucchini banana bread


Zucchini Banana Bread 3 Ways

I had a baking party not long ago and whipped up a bunch of bread. Ever since I tested my hand baking bread, I’ve wanted to expand my bread skills. I had a few types I wanted to try and just about enough zucchini for an army, thanks to my parents’ compulsive garden giving. I manage to wind up with a bag of vegetables after every visit. Thanks guys! But what to do with them all?

how to make zucchini bread banana bread recipe

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Good Things Come in 3’s (1/3)

DIY food dehydration

Good Things Come in 3’s

They do! And I’m gonna make you guess the next two in my trio of trio posts.

I make great use of the food dehydrator – it’s so easy to cut up food and leave it for a couple days. Not to mention, it’s a healthy alternative to pre-packaged snacks. It does run up the electric bill a little bit tho…  Hey, anyone want to join me for Unprocessed October? The dehydrator will definitely come in handy! No added salt or sugar to these three snack recipes.

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