7 Low-Pressure Ways to Friend your Neighbors

You have neighbors, but do you know your neighbors? I have some non-intimidating ways to make connections and get to know the people closest to you. Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, these 7 strategies will help you get to know your neighbors. You’ll be so glad you did!

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Downsize and Declutter

2106 new year's resolution goal get organized


One of Joe’s New Year’s resolutions is to get organized, and I was pleased to hear that! I can definitely help with that one. (His other resolution is get his six pack back – I can probably help with that one too.) Sorry Joe, for outting your two resolutions. Consider it public accountability. You can thank me later. 🙂

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Give to the Max Day

give to the max day

Pssshhhh … beep boop beep …pshhh


I’d like to interrupt our regularly scheduled programming for this PSA.

Thursday, November 13th is Give to the Max Day. It’s a day where nonprofit organizations all over ask for your help. Whether or not you already give to a favorite charity, #GTMD is a day that we try to get everyone on board because we need all the help we can get! So I’m asking you to take a minute to think about charity.

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