With the framing wrapping up, come get a sneak peek inside!
Creative Do-It-Yourself Ideas and Inspiration for Your House and Family. Currently making _______________.
With the framing wrapping up, come get a sneak peek inside!
We saw insane progress over the month. From walls to a roof in record time.
Without a doubt, the best day of renovation so far was getting our lumber delivery for the big ol’ roof trusses. The roof went up pretty quickly as shown in this little video.
Finally we have some walls! And it was well-worth the wait. Once the lumber arrived, we wasted no time getting to work. Our crew put in some long hours to make this all happen.
Ready to roll, we had our building permit and blueprints in hand. But the hardest challenge, we’d learn, was finding a builder.
We may not be licensed GCs, but we are, in a nutshell, in the thick of general contracting our own addition. We didn’t envision it this way, but I’ll try to bring you up to speed on how it happened.
First things first. We had in mind that we’d like some shelves in the shower, right? Not any after-the-fact shelves, but real built-ins. There are a few ways to get recessed, inset shelves installed from the get go. Let’s explore the options.
They’re up! We just have to get them covered with sheetrock, but they’re looking good already. I’ve never done this, so it was all a learning experience for me. I even got to use gunpowder to nail into the concrete! It took me a few tries, but I finally made it through.
We knew moving the shower drain would be difficult, but this was one of our biggest challenges. Usually when people move a drain, they only move it a few inches. We needed to move it a few feet. It’s time to crack through some concrete!
Let’s back up a little and talk about this bathroom remodel. If you missed the first video, pop over to that and come back here when you’re done watching. Here’s a little intro of us getting hyped up to start, and me swinging a sledge hammer for the first time! Awww, my first (intentional) hole in the wall.