DIY Concrete Trash Station

DIY concrete slab pour trash cans after header

DIY Outdoor Trash Station

Do you have any problem spots in your home routine? Like the trash station outside? Nobody likes taking out the garbage, but here’s a hack that’s made this chore a little less dreadful around here.

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Mulch Madness

yard mulch


Like Scottie Pippen. I don’t know what’s up with the hoops references; we just finished softball. (My team lost first round in single elimination playoffs last night. Meanwhile my brother’s team took the championship in his league — Way to go!)

baseball tournament

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Inspiration: Trees, TV’s and Bamboo Keys

DIY Inspiration

Weekly Inspo?

Maybe this needs to be a series. Summer gets busy, but the projects don’t stop. They just fold in around grad parties, cabin weekends, weddings and BBQ’s. I’ve been playing softball every Wednesday and Joe’s been jetskiing his heart out. My baby brother just graduated from college and is in France. I’m so proud of you, Luke! I’ve been following his jazz adventures here and I can’t wait to see his photos.

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