Bathroom Demo | Phase 4: The Big Kahuna

bathroom demo phase 4


Last Demo

I find smashing walls infinitely entertaining, and I’m a little sad to be ending demo. But alas, all good things must come to an end. If you’re tired of seeing us crash through walls, on the other hand, good news: this is the last one. At least for the bathroom… We have a whole lot of building to do, so we really need to get a move on. These bathroom updates will be coming in rapid fire – I really need to keep up!

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July Updates

Goodbye July

Hello August

July has been fun, but August looks just as bright! This week we’ve got some legitimate updates, some random things, and some cute things… So let’s just dive right into them, in that order.


I’ve purchased a lovely new plant. The YMCA was selling them for charity, so I picked it up for $10. I seem to do ok with tropical plants, and nothing else.

Sago Palm

It’s called a Sago Palm and is not really a true palm at all! It’s doing well so far. (2 weeks)

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All Work and Some Play

L and J

So you see. Here’s a photo book I put together. Have you made one of these before?

Glad spring is joining us in the upper half of the US. I think Joe is done working in Tampa for now. Just in time for spring projects.