Operation: Desk Ergonomic












Results Are In

I officially love my desk post-modifications. As a lot of you big kids know, sitting at the office 8+ hours each day can have a serious effect on your posture. I make a major effort to take stretch breaks and walkabouts. But when the bulk of time is spent in your chair, arms at the keyboard, eyes facing the monitor, that’s not enough. So think about how important your seating position is — at the end of the day it’s going to make a difference. For those of us who have next and shoulder trouble already, it’s especially important. I ordered a laptop stand that you see in the picture above, but it just wasn’t cutting it. So I had to take matters into my own hands.

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Girl’s Workbench

Tool Bench Graphic

Showin’ Some Love

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, let me share some of the amazingly sweet things Joe does for me on a regular basis:

  • Starts my car when it’s cold
  • Makes me [the best] homemade soup when I’m sick
  • Listens to all my ideas,  even  especially the crazy ones
  • Charges my phone first when we’re down to one charger
  • Asks my opinion
  • Gives me 100+ kisses per day

The list goes on.  I’m allowed to brag about him today, it’s in the Valentine’s Day code.

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Stadium Lighting

Stadium Lighting

Bright idea

It should come as no surprise to anyone that Joe loves his LED lights. He is a crusader against all things fluorescent, halogen, or incandescent. He will try to upgrade your home’s lighting if you let him. He’ll do it.  For fun. He is so committed to the cause that he mass orders LED lights from China on a regular basis.

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