United States of Bean Bags

DIY how to make bean bag toss cornhole yard game

Bags or Cornhole?

That will be the great debate of our generation. Does it depend on where you were raised? Whether you grew up around more corn or more beans? Is it a midwest farmer thing? I’m not quite sure…

But it has crept into the cities and city slickers pay big bucks for these lawn game sets. Luckily it’s not hard to make your own set! You just need a couple 2×4’s, some paint, screws and plywood. Joe, my brother and I made a set for my parents’ birthdays. Since they always want to play, but never had the game.

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Hot Tub Speakers

how to install hot tub speakers

 Turn Down For What?

What, the neighbors called? Oh ok, we better turn down.

In full disclosure, we did this way back in October. Some of the details of the process are a bit fuzzy in my memory, but I’m sure Joe could replicate it in his sleep. This is by far one of the most-used spaces of the house (yard). So the speakers were a huge upgrade.

If anyone wants to listen to music outside, they only need to bluetooth their phone or mp3 player to the sound system. You can even leave the phone indoors — safe from the water. Volume control is an arm’s length away. Nice for the wintertime. We did this all in one night, so bare with me on the documentation. Should have taken notes, goshdangnit!

pyle 400 watt outdoor waterproof speakers

Started with a standard outdoor pair of speakers.

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GoKarts, Jetskis and Bikes, oh my

pink go kart

Hot Wheels

How bout those wheels? This pretty much sums up the spring. On-the-go. The grass in the front and back yards is looking great, thanks to all the rain lately. So far this spring we’ve been camping, Joe went to the WI Dells, I’ve been playing softball, and we’ve been just generally staying up with grad parties, birthdays (lotsa birthdays), and yard work.

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Door Progress 3

the full monty door

Case Closed

It’s been a long road, but you’ve stuck with us for 3 posts. You’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. The sweat and tears. But at last our mystery comes to an end. You can recap the start and middle if you want to relive the glory days. But I really couldn’t draw out the suspense for this door project any further, even if I wanted to.

So without further stalling…

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Door Progress 2

doors, floors and hardware stores

Building Up to the Build Out

Alright, so we’ve built a door, now what? This project is still on the ground, so what do ya say we get this thing up in the air where it belongs? But, we can’t hang this up quite yet. We added some finishing touches as well as attached the hardware to the door. Start here to get all the step-by-step instructions. And here for the finished product.

Steve and Joe had just finished sawing off the extras where we left off:

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Door Progress

building a door DIY barn door wood bamboo sliding barn door


Movie Room Teaser

We can’t reveal the whole door all at once! Need to keep the theatrical suspense and drama going. For theme’s sake… We officially finished everything just last night, and got to christen in the movie room with all the roommates. Unfortunately it was late and dark, so Joe’s taking some better “after” photos today. If the rain lets up we may even get graced with a hint of natural light. Start here for the beginning of our door, and here for the finished product.

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Movie Theater: Phase Two

movie theater room

Door Prize

We’re in business! Hollywood is calling, I can see our names written in the stars now: Nominees for Best Door award! I’d like to thank the academy…

Start here for the beginning of the door project, and go here for the final product.

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A Blanket Butler

warm blanket please blanket butler


May I interest you in a blanket sir or madam?

“Why yes, I think I’ll take a pillow as well Edgar.”


At Your Service

If only it could fluff up your pillow too… Maybe when the robots take over.

blanket storage

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Life Hacking

Life Hack header

Lifestyle Design

Aren’t there things you wish you had a say in designing? Like your office chair that never reclines far enough, or your quirky front door that needs to be shut just right for it to lock. Or that your coffee pot would start brewing your morning mocha (aka starter fluid) on a schedule each morning? Maybe it’s just for your family to have access to one calendar; everyone can update it on-the-go.

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