We officially passed final plumbing inspection, and I finally (wait, let me move one more candle) have things arranged. Hop on into the post for all the final reveal pics!
Creative Do-It-Yourself Ideas and Inspiration for Your House and Family. Currently making _______________.
With the framing wrapping up, come get a sneak peek inside!
It was not an easy decision, but we’re so glad we kept our wood-burning fireplace. Extending the chimney was quite an ordeal, but it’s sure keeping us toasty!
We saw insane progress over the month. From walls to a roof in record time.
My tradition of choosing a guiding word for the year is going strong. This year has been jam-packed and there are no signs of slowing.
Without a doubt, the best day of renovation so far was getting our lumber delivery for the big ol’ roof trusses. The roof went up pretty quickly as shown in this little video.
Or maybe they did tell you. If you were young and naive like us, you just didn’t listen. I’m here to tell you, for the record — they were right. Renovations are hard.