
DIY Fire Pit Seating

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DIY Bonfire Pit Stool Cushions

We always run into this problem of not having enough seating around the bonfire. We have a handful of beach chairs on hand, but when we have an impromptu fire night, we’re left scrambling. I think I stumbled on the perfect solution. And they are actually comfortable! I plan to make a whole bunch more.

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Plant Grant | Part 1

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Front Yard Landscaping

Happy Arbor Day! Do you like free plants? Then this post is for you. Showing our habitat some love today with this front yard project. I wish I had some before pictures for you — I’ve looked high and low, but can’t find any — so you’ll just have to take my word when I tell you how badly our front yard was in need of some landscaping. This is a project we actually tackled in the fall, but the fruits of our labor are finally starting to show!

trees budding


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