Apartment Subfloor and Shower Progress

DIY Bathroom Remodel

If you’re going to gut a bathroom, there are a few things you’re going to come across behind the walls and floor. This post is dedicated to what lies beneath…

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Bathroom & Shower: Taping and Mudding Walls

shower walls header

Mud and Tape

The natural next step after pouring the shower pan is? You guessed it: Adding shower walls. And you can’t just use regular drywall, you need to really waterproof that new shower of yours. It’s a high-stakes job, but you can do it!

Here’s a glimpse of us mudding and taping (with a little help). It’s in reverse order, so you’ll see the shower walls up first, then the rest of the bathroom. Enjoy!

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Bathroom Remodel: Phase Two

Ok, you can come in now!Onto Phase Two

There was a lot of good grunt work that went into this one, but it went pretty smoothly once we got our process down.

We couldn’t be happier with how the whole bathroom turned out!

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