If you do enough projects around the house, eventually you’ll want to invest in a workbench. It’s not only nice to have a work station, but also helps keep your tools and supplies organized so you’re always ready when a DIY project calls. If you’re caught in an old catch 22 and don’t yet have a workbench on which to build the workbench, never fear – you can probably build this thing on the floor and it shouldn’t take more than a few hours.
Downsize and Declutter
One of Joe’s New Year’s resolutions is to get organized, and I was pleased to hear that! I can definitely help with that one. (His other resolution is get his six pack back – I can probably help with that one too.) Sorry Joe, for outting your two resolutions. Consider it public accountability. You can thank me later.
Decking the Halls
Decorating for a Cozy Christmas
Something about baking, putting up lights, wrapping presents and listening to Christmas music just puts me in the most relaxed mood. I love seeing everyone slowly settle into the season’s comforts. I’m all about adding layers of decorations, day by day. And I love seeing everyone’s Christmas lights – new ones seem to spring up every night! It’s a month-long celebration and we’re right in the middle of it.
Movie Room Roundup
Dirty Laundry
Move over, clean clothes! Easy access hamper is moving in.
We may have underestimated this project. What started as a quick little idea ended up taking a few hours. A lot of tweaking was involved. But it turned out great, so it was all worth it! The closet between the upstairs bathroom and bedroom was only half useful. The top half holds towels, but the bottom was becoming a junk collection for light bulbs and small spare parts. And board games we never play. We tried playing Monopoly once… that’s a whole other story… So Joe ripped out the shelves and rigged up this! Not too bad, eh? Here’s how it started: