We saw insane progress over the month. From walls to a roof in record time.
Creative Do-It-Yourself Ideas and Inspiration for Your House and Family. Currently making _______________.
We saw insane progress over the month. From walls to a roof in record time.
Without a doubt, the best day of renovation so far was getting our lumber delivery for the big ol’ roof trusses. The roof went up pretty quickly as shown in this little video.
Finally we have some walls! And it was well-worth the wait. Once the lumber arrived, we wasted no time getting to work. Our crew put in some long hours to make this all happen.
Ready to roll, we had our building permit and blueprints in hand. But the hardest challenge, we’d learn, was finding a builder.
They’re up! We just have to get them covered with sheetrock, but they’re looking good already. I’ve never done this, so it was all a learning experience for me. I even got to use gunpowder to nail into the concrete! It took me a few tries, but I finally made it through.
I absolutely love making gingerbread houses and try to build one every year! Last year I bought a kit, but after seeing this log cabin, I decided I should try making one myself! So I found a handy contractor and hired him and his cousin to help me out 🙂
At first, they were acting way too cool for such childish activities, but once I got started they kind of took over! The outcome wasn’t as picturesque as this, but there was joy in the process. And isn’t that what matters?
I rounded up all the graham crackers, gumdrops, peppermint candies, hard candy, frosting, pretzel rods, and sprinkles I could find.
Like Scottie Pippen. I don’t know what’s up with the hoops references; we just finished softball. (My team lost first round in single elimination playoffs last night. Meanwhile my brother’s team took the championship in his league — Way to go!)
That will be the great debate of our generation. Does it depend on where you were raised? Whether you grew up around more corn or more beans? Is it a midwest farmer thing? I’m not quite sure…
But it has crept into the cities and city slickers pay big bucks for these lawn game sets. Luckily it’s not hard to make your own set! You just need a couple 2×4’s, some paint, screws and plywood. Joe, my brother and I made a set for my parents’ birthdays. Since they always want to play, but never had the game.
Does anything make this kid happier than an afternoon of snowboarding? I honestly don’t think so. It was so gorgeous Sunday afternoon (yesterday). We needed to be outside. No photo retouching necessary. So. Much. Sunlight.