Wood Ceiling Beam Straps

DIY faux wood ceiling beam straps brackets


DIY Faux Ceiling Beams Straps

Getting creative with our fake ceiling beams, we wanted to find a way to make them look more like the real deal. So we engineered some metal straps/brackets out of cleats. We’re so happy with the outcome, and even more happy to say the ceiling beams are totally complete. Function meets fashion all the way. To recap, this is the final post out of a three-part tutorial on our faux barn wood ceiling beams. To see how we made and installed the ceiling beams, check out these posts šŸ™‚

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United States of Bean Bags

DIY how to make bean bag toss cornhole yard game

Bags or Cornhole?

That will be the great debate of our generation. Does it depend on where you were raised? Whether you grew up around more corn orĀ moreĀ beans? Is it a midwest farmer thing? I’m not quite sure…

But it has crept into the cities and city slickers pay big bucks for these lawn game sets. Luckily it’s not hard to make your own set! You just need a couple 2×4’s, some paint, screws and plywood. Joe, my brother and I made a set for my parents’ birthdays. Since they always want to play, but never had the game.

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