April Baby Showers
Taking a little breather from the kitchen to attend alllll the baby showers. For a few years it was all the weddings, but now we’re onto the next chapter I guess! Thought I’d share some fun games and ideas for baby showers that are not awkward.
This post is sponsored by Basic Invite. I have used basicinvite.com now for several showers and completely love and endorse them. 🙂

Picture of me, Grandma, and Lexi.
Is it just me, or do you find the majority of showers really awkward? Just me? Don’t get me wrong – I love showering the mommas and celebrating milestones in life, but I’ve been to a whole lot of awkward showers… I think the key (like most parties) is to have really good food, drinks, cute decorations, and fun games with prizes. My aunt and cousins hosted this shower and had some really good ideas I want to share.

First off, it was gender neutral and no hints to the baby’s gender were revealed! That inherently makes it fun for people to guess if it will be a girl or boy.
Have a Fun Theme – Turtle Power

The theme was turtles based on my cousin’s grandmother’s turtle collection that she passed down.

Here are some of her little turtle figurines. I love the sentimental thought behind the theme! And it’s not the standard pink or blue themed shower.

I think people are getting more creative these days with wedding and baby showers and I’m glad to see it!

Speaking of creative, my cousin made this adorable turtle mobile for her baby nursery out of felt and an embroidery hoop! How flipping talented is she?

I also love how most of these party decorations are going straight into the nursery for decor, so they will be reused and not just one-time disposable plastic decorations.

She also knows how to rock the Cricut, and made these extremely cute and tasty little party favors.

Note the turtle shell is a mini Reece’s cup. So crafty. She really needs to teach me the Cricut some time.
Baby Shower Invites and Thank You’s
My contribution was designing these thank you’s for her to send after the party. They had a turtle theme right on the website basicinvite.com in the baby section!

Turtle stuff is harder than you think to find, but once you start you can’t stop seeing turtles!

I ordered these baby shower invitations online and they came in about a week. You can order paper samples in the mail of the exact paper quality you want, and they have foil options. I went with just the basics, but they are really high quality. What is nice is all the color options you have. Her theme is teal, so I was able to get the perfect color teal and customize it with her name.

I also put out the blank envelopes for guests to address themselves. I think this is something really practical you can do if you ever want to pitch in at a baby shower — it takes something off the mom’s plate so they don’t have to hunt down addresses and sign a bunch of cards. (I ordered blank cards so she can still write a hand-written note inside.)

Ok, I deviated from the turtle theme a bit, but turtles really were hard to find in stationary… Anyway, Basic Invite is having a sale on baby invites — use code 15FF51 for 15% off the store or BABY40 for 40% off baby stuff.
Baby Shower Games
These were some of the best baby shower games I’ve played yet, so take notes if you’re hosting!

Baby bingo is a great way to keep people engaged and involved in the gift opening, which can take a long time. My cousin and I are both people who would rather not be the center of attention, so if you have someone like that Baby Bingo is the way to go!

It keeps people occupied without everyone staring at you the whole time. Baby bingo is basically a bingo board that everyone fills in themselves with the gifts they think the mom will open. You mark them off as the gifts are opened and yell out bingo when you get a bingo. Pretty easy, no?

We also played The Price is Right, where someone holds up various baby items one at a time, and everyone must write their guess for price. At the end, whoever is closest without going over wins a prize. We found it helpful to tell the brand and store of each item. And all the items go to the mom at the end of course.

We also played this Baby Shower emoji game. It was supposedly easier for the “younger” people, but I really sucked at this one. See how many you can guess.

One other new trend I really like is giving a book instead of a card! It saves on paper, and also gives the mom a special book that each guest has written a little note inside. How special for the baby to grow up reading their favorite bedtime stories and a note from whoever each book is from every time they ready it?

All in all, we had a great time showering my cousin and her bump with love.

And it was great to catch up with relatives, and even meet some new little faces.