Without a doubt, the best day of renovation so far was getting our lumber delivery for the big ol’ roof trusses. The roof went up pretty quickly as shown in this little video.
September was a big month for us! We left off with walls and stairs going up. The house was buzzing for the next couple months. I’d wake up every morning at 7 and sit on the front porch with a cup of coffee, chocolate zucchini bread and a crossword puzzle. This was my morning ritual.
Lumber Delivery

The big day

These really are mammoth

For scale

It took a big lift to hoist them up to the top

Boards to not mess up the lawn

Big triangle

Here’s a photo gallery of some of the best angles:
Adding Roof Trusses

The lift driver would hand each roof truss up one at a time to the framers, who had no fear standing up there handling them.

They rested them on top before they were ready to get started.

No harnesses
At the end of the day, on goes the world’s largest tarp.

To be continued…
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