How to Make a $75 Work Bench

 DIY work bench $75

If you do enough projects around the house, eventually you’ll want to invest in a workbench. It’s not only nice to have a work station, but also helps keep your tools and supplies organized so you’re always ready when a DIY project calls. If you’re caught in an old catch 22 and don’t yet have a workbench on which to build the workbench, never fear – you can probably build this thing on the floor and it shouldn’t take more than a few hours.

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Girl’s Workbench

Tool Bench Graphic

Showin’ Some Love

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, let me share some of the amazingly sweet things Joe does for me on a regular basis:

  • Starts my car when it’s cold
  • Makes me [the best] homemade soup when I’m sick
  • Listens to all my ideas,  even  especially the crazy ones
  • Charges my phone first when we’re down to one charger
  • Asks my opinion
  • Gives me 100+ kisses per day

The list goes on.  I’m allowed to brag about him today, it’s in the Valentine’s Day code.

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