LED Lighting Guide

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As you know, Joe has a bit of an LED obsession. As we’ve worked on various rooms, we’ve tried to replace our lighting as we go, upgrading to LEDs from fluorescents. They definitely save you money in the long run and are the overall more efficient option. Lighting is often overlooked, but it can make a serious difference in the look and feel of a space. So we’re going to shed some light on the subject.

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Downsize and Declutter

2106 new year's resolution goal get organized


One of Joe’s New Year’s resolutions is to get organized, and I was pleased to hear that! I can definitely help with that one. (His other resolution is get his six pack back – I can probably help with that one too.) Sorry Joe, for outting your two resolutions. Consider it public accountability. You can thank me later. 🙂

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Burlap Lamp Shade Upgrade

lamp shade upgrade

Lamp Shade Upgrade

This project was incredibly simple and affordable. I’ve been seeing burlap-covered lamp shades everywhere, and noticed my trusty bedside reading lamp was looking a little dingy. The shade was getting dirty and it was just too plain. So, why not use what I had and make it a little more homey?

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